Mastering Imposter Syndrome is crucial to your happiness and living with it on a day to day basis is something that Lisa Ventura is used to doing. So much so that we decided with Kim-Adele Randall to launch the International Imposter Syndrome Awareness Day and also to build this dedicated resource.
Lisa Ventura is an award-winning Cyber Security consultant and is the CEO and Founder of the UK Cyber Security Association (UKCSA), a membership association that is dedicated to individuals and companies who actively work in cyber security in the UK. She has over 10 years of experience in the cyber security industry and is passionate about raising awareness of being more cyber aware in business to help prevent cyber-attacks and cyber fraud. She is a thought leader, author and keynote speaker and has been published in various publications globally.
Her first book “The Rise of the Cyber Women: Volume One” was published in August 2020 and her second book “The Varied Origins of the Cyber Men: Volume One” was published in November 2020, both to great acclaim. Lisa is part of the Advisory Group for the newly created West Midlands Cyber Resilience Centre, sits on the board of Think Digital Partners and is part of Cyber Security Valley UK. She is also a strong advocate for women in cyber security, the cyber skills gap and neurodiversity.
Imposter syndrome is an incredibly complex and widespread psychological phenomenon that affects many people worldwide, including those in management and leadership roles. It has been characterized by feelings of inadequacy despite being successful.
Ever doubted yourself? Ever feel overwhelmed by the inner critic? Do you disregard people’s words of praise and compliments because you are afraid that they will find out about your failure and think less of you? If so, this means that Imposter Syndrome has taken over your life.
Imposter syndrome is literally crippling the lives of so many people!
The lack of awareness can lead to refusing to get help and feeling hopeless about overcoming the condition.
Many people suffer from imposter syndrome and mastering imposter syndrome is extremely hard at times and Lisa Ventura and Kim-Adele explain what they have experienced and how they master imposter syndrome on a daily basis.
It is also not just women who suffer from this awful problem as men are now admitting it too and in some of our other interviews we discuss it with top CEOs who happen to be male.
We discussed:
How does imposter syndrome impact you day to day?
Lisa expanded on her experience with mastering imposter syndrome and how it is not an easy task; she works on it every day.
How do you overcome and deal with imposter syndrome?
What advice would you give to someone who is suffering from imposter syndrome?
Despite being in Cyber Security for 10 years Lisa struggles to believe she is good enough.
Mastering imposter syndrome
She has always had imposter syndrome and manages it on a daily basis.
No matter what awards Lisa has won she always has thought she isn’t good enough.
Imposter syndrome has been a safety blanket and has protected her from harm.
She wonders when she will found out for being a fraud like many others.
She doesn’t feel worthy like most people suffering from imposter syndrome.
Getting past your inner voice is key here and is possible
Getting past online bullying and people trying to discourage you.
Getting the right coping mechanisms to work for her.
Lisa’s twitter – @cybergeekgirl and @ukcybersecassoc
Lisa’s LinkedIn –
Lisa’s Facebook Page –
We also discussed this topic in our first interview for the Overcoming Imposter Syndrome Series Here: Overcoming Imposter Syndrome.
This blog and post originally appeared on Influential Visions Podcast where we really dug deep into this important topic.
You can check that out here: